With Webeol Hosting, you will gain access to a truly convenient to use site generator. It is extremely easy to get the hang of and it has a user interface that can be immediately recognizable to anyone who has ever employed an admin interface. The site generator features quite a lot of stylish site designs which you can customize with a click of the mouse and make a site as you like. Plus, each website theme is fully responsive, so your new website will look and feel perfect on mobile devices straight away.

The site generator is a component of the Webeol Hosting Control Panel, offered with all Linux shared website hosting, Linux VPS hosting, semi-dedicated hosting packages, and dedicated servers hosting packages plans.

A convenient–to–use site generator

No programming expertise is needed

The purpose of our site generator is to make site creation uncomplicated and to help you generate an attractive website without having to write a line of HTML or PHP, or any other coding languages.

You can do that by means of content elements which you could add to any site template and then edit and re–order to your taste. And to top it all off, you can trash the ones you have no use for with just a click of the mouse. If you choose to make your website more eye–pleasing, you are able to easily add videos and photos, or even a shop cart to it.

Plus, everything functions in a seamless way.

Easy-to-use Site Builder

A set of easy to re–design website themes

Cool website templates that look great on every type of device

It won’t matter what sort of website you want to create, the Webeol Hosting’s site generator will offer something for you. It has a large library of zero–cost templates that are applicable for any type of sites – individual pages, e–shops, discussion forums, etc.

To make your websites even more compelling from the get go you should leverage the variety of different layouts and color combinations offered with each template. And last but not least, every site theme offers built–in support for more than a hundred fonts which can be changed with a mouse click. And last but not least, you will have full access to a vast collection of stock photos.

Should you choose to change your website template at some moment, all tweaks you have implemented will be transferred over to the new website template accordingly.

A set of easy to re–design website themes

In–built knowledge base and step–by–step videos

Watch just how smooth it really is to jumpstart a website

In case you need any kind of help employing the Webeol Hosting’s site generator, there are lots of step–by–step articles and video tutorials that are influenced by the most regularly asked questions.

Using them, you’ll be able to find out exactly how to personalize your current website theme, how to add new pages to a site or even how to embed an image gallery.

And if you can’t find the answer in there, you can always get hold of us. We’re available at any moment and we answer to all support tickets in under 1 hour, guaranteed.

Video Tutorials