Assistance Channels

  • 1 hour ticket response time
  • A 1–hour Inquiry Resolution Warranty

  • Our group of professionals will try their best to answer to your support enquiries in about 1 hour. If, however, the issue you have experienced demands aid from the Admin =Dept,= we are going to send the ticket to the administrator in charge and will write a note to tell you.

  • Top quality support service
  • Qualified Customer Assist Service

  • We will be on line for you 24x7x365 to supply assistance and technical support as well as to help you with any difficulty that you may stumble upon when supervising your virtual server. We will aid you with all installed in advance programs, like your OS, server management panel (in accordance with the VPS type) and the Control Panel produced entirely by us.

  • Intuitive help center
  • An Educational Help Section

  • Each section of the Control Panel that is available free of cost with your VPS includes an integrated knowledge base. You’ll find an assortment of descriptive how to tutorials and a selection of step by step video tutorials that display all the common website maintenance duties. You can use them by hitting the Help or Video control keys in the top right part of each Control Panel section.